Abounding in fruitfulness and supernatural harvest

Taiwo Akinola
Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt ~ Amos 9:13.
God didn’t plan for us to live just a normal, ordinary, natural life, but a supernatural life of harvests, full of relevance, significance, signs and wonders (John 10:10). Supernatural living is meant to be the norm for the children of God.
At a time the people of Israel were in bondage in Egypt, and for about 400 years, it was like a normal, natural life for them. They became used to slavery, so to say, with no significant miracles whatsoever.
However, a day came when God brought them out with His Mighty Hand. Thenceforth, a supernatural life of miracles, signs and wonders began for them by the Finger of God (Exodus 8:19).
Recall the series of supernatural interventions at the onset of the Exodus, and then the parting of the Red Sea, the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud, the supernatural angelic meal, manna, the supernatural victory at Jericho, and so on.
The above is the archetype of our new life in Christ Jesus. When we were born-again, a new order of life began for us, and we were plunged into a new depth of supernatural harvest (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Believe it, this is our time for mega-harvest! Our fields of soul-winning, heavy blessings and superlative wonders are already white for harvest (John 4:35b). Really, God’s original blessing to man in Genesis 1:28 is very instructive in this context.
Understanding the Broad Dimensions of Supernatural
Supernatural harves
t brings blessings in three broad dimensions, and the first of these is supernatural wealth. God greatly delights in the prosperity of His people and, through the grace of God, believers are bound to prosper in all ramifications of wealth (Ecclesiastes 10:19; Zechariah 1:17; Psalm 35:27).
The second dimension is the harvest of miracles and supernatural interventions. This includes healing, deliverance and victory in spiritual conflicts, giving us liberty to run with our assignments and bringing fulfillment to our godly dreams and aspirations (Romans 5:17).
The third dimension, and by all means the most important harvest, is the harvest of souls! It is voluntarily compulsory for every Christian devotee to be involved and meaningfully engaged in winning lost souls to the Kingdom of God (Psalm 107:2).
I pray that these three dimensions of supernatural harvest will burst forth in all our camps this season, in Jesus Name. Amen.
Please note that supernatural wealth and other dimensions of divine intervention among God’s people are intended to showcase God’s power unto salvation, to spur the believers onward in their fields of soul-winning and to draw the attention of the unsaved to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Thus, the first two dimensions of harvests mentioned above are meaningful only when they contribute to the mission works of soul-winning.
The subject of soul-winning, with particular emphasis on fruitful evangelism, cannot be overemphasized. It is of paramount importance to all believers in Christ Jesus, who are genuine in their love for God.
No ranks, status, attainment or any grandiose title can confer on us the ignoble privilege of shunning the call to soul-winning. It is non-negotiable and cannot be ignored without some dire eternal consequences.
The truth is, no matter the opulence or grandeur attained, anyone who has not come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ is a lost soul. Perhaps, this is why every sincere and gainful engagement in soul-winning ventures is exceedingly gratifying to the Lord (Mark 10:28-31).
There is a beautiful future for the soul-winner. Contrarily, it is tantamount to spiritual recklessness for a believer not to strive to win souls for Christ. In fact, the Bible posits that such a man is neither wise nor winsome enough (Daniel 12:3).
We must engage in soul-winning because our Lord Jesus Christ commanded it to be so in His valedictory speeches (Mark 16:15-18; Matthew 28:19-20). Besides, He commended serious involvement in supernatural harvest of souls as a quickest pathway to supernatural rewards (John 4:34-36).
The second dimension is the harvest of miracles and supernatural interventions. This includes healing, deliverance and victory in spiritual conflicts, giving us liberty to run with our assignments and bringing fulfillment to our godly dreams and aspirations (Romans 5:17).
The third dimension, and by all means the most important harvest, is the harvest of souls! It is voluntarily compulsory for every Christian devotee to be involved and meaningfully engaged in winning lost souls to the Kingdom of God (Psalm 107:2).
I pray that these three dimensions of supernatural harvest will burst forth in all our camps this season, in Jesus Name. Amen.
Please note that supernatural wealth and other dimensions of divine intervention among God’s people are intended to showcase God’s power unto salvation, to spur the believers onward in their fields of soul-winning and to draw the attention of the unsaved to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Thus, the first two dimensions of harvests mentioned above are meaningful only when they contribute to the mission works of soul-winning.
The subject of soul-winning, with particular emphasis on fruitful evangelism, cannot be overemphasized. It is of paramount importance to all believers in Christ Jesus, who are genuine in their love for God.
No ranks, status, attainment or any grandiose title can confer on us the ignoble privilege of shunning the call to soul-winning. It is non-negotiable and cannot be ignored without some dire eternal consequences.
The truth is, no matter the opulence or grandeur attained, anyone who has not come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ is a lost soul. Perhaps, this is why every sincere and gainful engagement in soul-winning ventures is exceedingly gratifying to the Lord (Mark 10:28-31).
There is a beautiful future for the soul-winner. Contrarily, it is tantamount to spiritual recklessness for a believer not to strive to win souls for Christ. In fact, the Bible posits that such a man is neither wise nor winsome enough (Daniel 12:3).
We must engage in soul-winning because our Lord Jesus Christ commanded it to be so in His valedictory speeches (Mark 16:15-18; Matthew 28:19-20). Besides, He commended serious involvement in supernatural harvest of souls as a quickest pathway to supernatural rewards (John 4:34-36).
The Laws of Supernatural Harvest
When God created the universe, He put many laws into motion, one of which is the law of seedtime and harvest or the law of sowing and reaping: “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest ….. and day and night shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).
A law always works unless a higher law is introduced into the system, to override or temporarily stop the lesser law from working.
For example, in His extravagant love for man, God introduced a higher law, broadly categorized as the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, into our situation (Romans 8:2). This law came with a higher authority and power to override the laws connecting us to the kingdom of darkness.
Today, through that law, anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour can enjoy forgiveness, healing, deliverance, victory, prosperity and a mega-harvest of God’s provisions in every area of life.
Similarly, the law of sowing and reaping overrides the tyrannies of sin, death, poverty and barrenness, which hitherto enable the devil to rule over lost humanity. Yes, abundant life is all ours, and we should begin to walk in it, right away!
Succinctly, the articles of the law of seedtime and harvest are as follows: (i) God is our Total Source (Philippians 4:19); (ii) God gives seed to those who sow (2 Corinthians 9:10a); (iii) God multiplies and brings the harvest of the seeds we sow (2 Corinthians 9:10b); (iv). The harvest always comes in due season (Galatians 6:9); (v) The harvest comes in proportion to the seed sown (Luke 6:38); (vi) What you sow is what you reap (Genesis 1:12; Galatians 6:7); and (vii) Plant in good soil for good results (Matthew 13:3-8).
Your Seed is Your Key to Supernatural Harvest
Supernatural harvest is a multiplied form of the seed sown. And, where due observance is given to the seed, both in quantity and quality, nothing should have a legal hold against our harvest. You cannot be committed to sowing and not reap the harvest.
Sowing is not just a religious act, to fulfill all righteousness; it is major law of life. If you expect a harvest, you must sow a seed. You must sow, even in seasons of famine, for God can turn your barren situation into your greatest blessing. Your seed may not be big enough for your sustenance, but it is good enough for sowing in expectation of supernatural harvest (1 Kings 17:10-15).
For the avoidance of doubt or misleading opinions, the seed forms we are referring to here include: the Word of God in prayers and preaching, sincere services to God and His Kingdom, money, and showing love, help and kindness to others.
Friends, I see the Almighty God exterminating all evil worms and every satanic arsenal aimed at displacing your seed or corrupting your harvest. I see God’s evergreen blessings of supernatural fruitfulness and mega-harvest loading up speedily in your life, this season, in Jesus Name. Amen.
In conclusion, please prepare to be envied! And, if you ever felt that your time has expired for harvests of souls and pure blessings, just remember that Abraham was very old when God gave him Isaac. Brethren, believe God for it, your season of laughter has just begun in Jesus Name.
Happy Sunday!
Bishop Taiwo Akinola is the Presiding Bishop of Rhema Christian Church,
Otta, Ogun State, Nigeria.
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Email: bishopakinola@yahoo.com
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