Text: Romans 10:17; 2 Thessalonians 1:3

By Bishop Taiwo Akinola

Introduction: The Christian life, from start  to finish, is designed to be a supernatural experience, and living daily on this supernatural platform is the real excitement of Christianity. However, faith is the wheel that makes this possible. Real faith puts you in the class of God and moves God to work in your favour. And, the faith that will produce desirable results must be nurtured to grow appreciably.
The Bible teaches that there are varying levels of faith: No faith  (Deut. 32:20); Little faith (Mat 6:30, 14:31); Weak faith (Rom 4:19); Erring faith (1Tim 6:10); Mustard seed faith (Mat 17:20); Growing faith (2Thes 1:3); Living faith (Gal 2:20); Unfeigned faith (2 Tim 1:5); Established faith (Act 16:5); Strong faith (Rom 4:20); Great faith Mat (15:28); Steadfast faith (Col 2:5); Bold faith (1Tim 3:13); Speaking faith (Rom1:8); Fighting faith (1Tim 6:12) and Sound faith (Tit 1:3).
Yes, there are different levels of faith. But I must quickly add that, since no one could be saved without faith, every believer has faith in a measure (Eph 2:8,9; Rom 12:3). Your faith cannot be static; it is either growing, diminishing or withering. Thus, you must ensure that your faith grows continually because it is very crucial to your life (Rom 1:17). Only those who live by faith are qualified to enjoy the Abrahamic blessings and are guaranteed divine protection against the darts of evil (Gal. 3:7-9; Eph .6:16). But, how do you grow a productive faith?
In the natural world, if a seed is not given conducive conditions (good soil, water and sunshine), it will not grow though it has the potentials.
Similarly, hearing the Word of God is essential to growing a luxuriant and truly productive faith. You cannot truly hear God’s Word and remain unchanged (Rom. 10:17). However, just hearing the God’s Word is not enough, you must position yourself to hear it from HIM.  Besides, hearing God’s word is more than just listening; it means to hear and act upon what was heard (James 1:22).
Saul was a violent persecutor, but the day he heard the voice of Jesus Christ, he recognized His Lordship and his life changed forever (Act 22:6-9). Other people saw the light, only Saul heard the voice. Light here represents information, Voice represents Jesus’ personality. If all you do about the faith ends just at the information level with no intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ, the faith won’t be productive.

Moses heard from God, he boldly proceeded to Pharaoh, the same man he ran away from earlier. Destiny transformation comes with God’s majestic and irresistible Voice (Ps 29:4). He still speaks today, but we must be spiritual to discern His Voice (Rev. 1:10-11).
Furthermore, speaking God’s Word in affirmative faith is very essential to growing your faith (Mk 11:22, 23; Pro 10:11; Pro 18:21; Rev 12:11). The force of faith is one of the strongest creative forces available to man, but it works by your words spoken to situations and circumstances around you. A believing on the inside of you, and a speaking forth on the outside give birth to the creative force of faith (Rom 10:10). In other words, what you believe and speak forth is what is created for you (Mk 11:23).
Your life is whatsoever you call it (Gen 2:19). What you see and say is what you get and eventually become (Deut. 1:28; Num 13:33). No matter what, don’t ever take side with the devil. Rather, take side with God by constantly speaking what He says. When you see peace by faith and speak peace, you overrule turmoils around you (Mk4:39; Ps 8:9) And, even if you cannot control the entire world, you can control your own world by the words you speak regularly.
Moreover, to grow a truly productive faith, fellowshipping constantly with God through obedience, confidence and humility cannot be overemphasized (John 2:5; Pet 5:5; Jam. 4:7). Growing your faith is not intended to be a struggle; rather, it is a product of a heart that follows after God. Your faith cannot grow beyond your obedience, and as you develop in your fellowship with God, learn to be still and confident in Him (Is 30:15; Ps 4:4; 46:10; 84:4). Anxiety is an enemy of faith and progress; it chokes the seed of the word (Lk 8:14). Nothing good works by anxiety. Remember Elijah (1Kg 19:4).

In conclusion, please know that God’s only pleasure is to be believed and His only pain is to be doubted (Heb 4:6). Hence, the glory of God shows in your life up to how grown your faith is. Anything beyond your faith level remains undone. Developed faith is faith for living (Hab. 2:4). As you believe God’s Word and speak it boldly, I see your faith producing gracious results henceforward, in Jesus Name. Amen. 

Bishop Taiwo Akinola is the presiding Bishop of Rhema Christian Church and Towers.