Plastic pollution: WTO highlights role of trade in global action


Trade has an important role to play in addressing global challenges posed by plastics, World Trade Organization (WTO) Deputy Director-General, Jean-Marie Paugam said at the opening of the Ministerial Conference on Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution on 1 September.

The Environment ministries of Germany, Ghana, Ecuador, and Viet Nam are convening the high-level meeting on the WTO’s premises in preparation for the 5th UN Environmental Assembly (UNEA) next year.

“There is a growing recognition that the way we produce, consume, and dispose of plastics causes significant damage to our environment and to our health,” DDG Paugam said. 

According to him, “Back in November last year a group of WTO members launched an Informal Dialogue on Plastics Pollution and Environmentally Sustainable Plastics Trade (IDP). Since this launch, discussions on the topic have more than quadrupled at the WTO, seeking to identify key opportunities for enhanced trade cooperation to support domestic, regional, and global efforts against plastic pollution.”

He added that the role that trade policy may have in fighting plastic pollution is becoming better understood. 

He explained that there are specific tools that trade policymakers may want to leverage to contribute to achieving global goals on plastics.

He noted for instance lowering trade barriers to environmental goods and services for plastics circularity, establishing standards and regulations needed to ensure recyclability and compostability of plastics, facilitating and building capacity for environmentally sustainable reverse supply chains, as well as exploring economic drivers of environmentally sustainable plastics and alternatives.

He said, “With this in mind, I am certain that some of our interested members will follow closely your discussions today and your future work towards a possible international instrument on plastic.” 

The ministerial conference combines in-person and virtual participation in the informal consultations in the lead up to the second part of the 5th UNEA in February 2022, where governments will consider negotiations on a new global treaty to tackle plastic pollution.